We have chosen a variety of well-loved novels and small groups are each reading 2 of the books which they will blog about and then battle to choose a winner. The winning novels from the first round will proceed to the next level and will battle against each other. And so on and so on until we find our WINNING book! This should prove to be quite exciting.
First Round: (top row book vs. the one directly below it)
The Thing About Jellyfish by Ali Benjamin VS. The False Prince by Jennifer A. Nielsen
When You Reach Me by Rebecca Stead VS. Circus Mirandus by Cassie Beasley
One Crazy Summer by Rita Williams-Garcia VS. Lemons by Melissa Savage
Maybe A Fox by Kathi Appelt & Alison McGhee VS. A Night Divided by Jennifer A. Nielsen
Forever Or A Long Long Time by Caela Carter VS. The Warden's Daughter by Jerry Spinelli
Hour Of The Bees by Lindsay Eagar VS. Lost In The Sun by Lisa Graff
The Goldfish Boy by Lisa Thompson VS. Beyond The Bright Sea by Lauren Wolk
Let the smackdown begin!